Past comes to present

Hi again, Carly here. I know I said my next post would be about myself, but today a lot of things happened and I need your help.

Last summer, I was texting this guy called Conor. He had dated my best friend Eileen five times so they had a lot of history. He had asked her before for pic for pic (if you don’t know what that is then I take it your too young to be reading this post and you should probably stop reading) Eileen of course said no. Anyway so he was texting me and saying that I look great and all this stuff. I at this time actually quite liked Conor and had a small crush on him. Then after a while of talking he asked me out. I said I’d think about it but he must have took it as a yes because he started talking about meeting up somewhere to ‘meet’ (The word meet is used a lot in Northern Ireland it means to French kiss). Then once I had cleared it up that I wouldn’t be able to go see him or go to town with him he changed the subject. Conor began to talk about whether I would ever do pic for pic. I said no then he said he wouldn’t either. Although minutes later he asked me if I would like to do it as a joke with him. I again said no. He told me to make sure I didn’t tell anyone that he asked so i said I wouldn’t

Now I know everyone is always to tell someone if something like this happens, but unfortunately I’m the type of person that wants people to trust them and not to let them be sad, so I only told Eileen. Although recently my other friend ,Jacob, found out and decided to tell James (my boyfriend who I did not want to know about it). James wasn’t happy and really wanted to go and fight Conor for what he did but I didn’t let him because Conor and I had made up and we’re now friends. I didn’t want to ruin that no matter how much I don’t like him.

In the end word was spread and everyone began to find out about all the people he had asked for pictures (6 girls, all my friends). Everybody thought it was disgusting, even his girlfriend. His now ex-girlfriend is called Kerry, her and her best friend Martha hate me. Kerry herself though can be really nice to me sometimes when Martha isn’t there.

Long story short Kerry broke up with Conor, Conor texted me saying I had ruined everything. First I felt angry that he went straight to blaming me, but then I started to feel sorry for him and once the story was set straight I apologised to him and he did to. Conor now feels really depressed but I’ve been helping him a lot with advice and encouragement. James was on oovoo with me at the same time I was texting him and I told him everything. First he wasn’t happy that I had made up so quickly with him but now he understands why I did it.

I made up with Kerry aswell. I felt horrible for her because they went out for two months. I texted her seeing if she was ok and she told me she was fine and just asked me a bit about what he did. I’m happy I’ve made up with her because I hate not being friends with someone. That means it’s only Martha that doesn’t like me.

Anyway when I started typing this it was all a mess and I hadn’t texted anyone yet, so u could have helped me then. Now my question for you is what should I do about being friends with Conor because everyone thinks I’ve taken his side even though it is defiantly his fault. I don’t want to be the only person who has done that. I just can’t let someone be sad no matter who they are. Well there’s always tomorrow for me to see what happens.

Anyway I’m sorry this was quite a weird story but I just need to tell someone the story from my perspective, I know there are very few people reading my blog but I really appreciate anyone who actually read through this. I finish up now

The moral I think from this story is that things like this or any argument sometimes can bring you closer to someone. I made up with two people who I didn’t get on with. This day went from the worst to actually really good. Please help me with my problem I always find it difficult to ask for help with anything because I’m used to it being me helping someone else. This is what my blogs for!

Love you all, and remember to never stop smiling!😄


My First post!

Hi I’m Carly. This is my first blog post so I hope you like it but it probably isn’t that good because I’m writing this on New Year’s Eve, and no I’m not having a big party with my friends or family. That’s what everyone else is doing but not me. I would love to be having a party right now but I can’t. My family don’t really care about new year. My mum and dad say it makes them feel old. My little sister says she couldn’t be bothered. My older sister is like me and hopes every year she’ll be invited to a party or something. This year she was lucky and her friend Lily (made up names for privacy purposes) invited her to a party so she is staying the night there.

So what could I possibly be doing on New Year’s Eve then if I’m not partying your probably wondering. Well I’m sitting here making a blog post that’s what! Before I started this I was lying in bed on my iPad listening to a Spotify playlist called chill 😂. I started to think about new year resolutions, and I thought I should start to write more again, because ever since I was six I loved to write novels. But then now I’m in year nine I haven’t had much time to do that or I’ve been distracted with other things like oovooing my friends. So then I thought I should start to write in a way that’s a bit more interesting. I was also at the time reading Zoe Suggs (Zoella) new novel ‘Girl online on tour’ which I love by the way❤️. So I decided to start a blog of my own.

Its been hard setting it up because I can be really rubbish with technology, but I think I’ve gotten the hang of it. I haven’t told anyone about it yet and I don’t know if I want to. Things could go well and people could actually like my blog or it could go the opposite way, and people could hate it.  I’m not going to tell my parents yet because theyre really wary with social media so I think I’ll only tell them if it goes well. I’ll probably tell my boyfriend James(if he’s reading this now then hi James 💗👋🏻)  Anyway I’m making this blog just so I can write about all my experiences in life because I love telling stories, and all my friends would know this. My close friend Alison gets told half my life story every morning on the 15 minute ride in the bus. So I guess this is just a way I can share them with more people without having to listen to my voice 😂🤐.

In my next post I will tell you a bit more about me because this post was more about why I started this blog and how the end of 2015 pretty much sucked for me but I hope you all have a great new year. And maybe you never know this blog won’t be too bad and I’ll have a few readers in the new year. Fingers crossed!

Love you all bye

Carly xox